Remote Monitoring Enables Advanced Water Treatment
We live in a world of connected devices.
The power of the internet has expanded far beyond connecting laptops to servers. We’re in the age of The Internet of Things.
The Internet of Things Revolutionizes Industry
The Internet of Things (IoT) is all about integration: whether it’s your milk carton talking to your fridge to announce that it’s running low, or your warehouse talking to your forklift to move a part to the right place, we’re witnessing increasingly sophisticated integration of information both vertically and horizontally.
IoT takes out the “middle-man” and lets devices communicate directly with each other. This enables much faster transfer of data, and the power of cloud computing means that data can be analyzed almost instantly. The advantage to all aspects of industry can hardly be overstated.
Remote Monitoring in Water Treatment
Water treatment is part of this brave new world, and it’s a game-changer.
Remote monitoring is one function of the IoT. Water treatment depends heavily on proper monitoring, so remote monitoring is both faster and easier, and ultimately cheaper. Win-win-win, right?
Smart monitoring means instant and continuous data tracking via cellular technology, seamlessly transmitted to any smart device—no need to walk from station to station to collect samples or take readings. Settings can be changed remotely, and alarms will alert staff in real time when there’s a problem.
Alerts and alarms are as close as the nearest WIFI-enabled device, so staff can conduct oversight 24/7, on or off site. They can respond quickly to problems, wherever they are—it’s like having a team of engineers on site all the time.
Improved Data Collection and Analysis
Monitoring can be set up to track inventory, monitor chemical levels and trigger ordering alerts when levels drop to prescribed levels.
Data is protected with advanced encryption security, then reviewed and analyzed in real time. Capturing the full data history allows long-term monitoring of trends and troubleshooting issues.
Remote Monitoring Pays for Itself
The return on investment (ROI) for remote monitoring is excellent: it quickly pays for itself. Remote monitoring is the best tool for catching problems early, preventing the costly consequences of system failure.
Contact your Chemtex Account Manager for a real time demo. We’ll explain the hardware and software necessary to bring your water treatment into the 21st century with remote monitoring for multiple applications, including cooling water treatment, boiler water treatment, chemical inventory management, waste water management and more.