cooling start-up

Preparing For Cooling Start-Up

Preparing For Cooling Start-Up

There’s still snow on the ground in much of the country, and we’ve had March Madness and yet in some parts of the country snowstorms are still a possibility. However, it’s a good time to be thinking about properly starting up the cooling systems that have been down for the winter months. Even though it’s not quite time to get the water flowing just yet, there are steps you can take to get ready for the season ahead.

Here are some ways we recommend you should prepare for the upcoming cooling season. It’ll be here before you know it, and you’ll be glad you did!

Controller: Replacing or Refurbishing?

Is it time for a new controller? You might have an old one, and you might have discussed replacing the controller last season. Now is the perfect time to get an updated price. Today’s controllers are more powerful than ever, and their communication capabilities are constantly being enhanced.

If you will use your existing controller for another season, are the probes still good? Many probes should have been stored in storage solution. Have yours been stored properly?

Probes can be standardized and calibrated even though the system is offline. Now is a great time to check and calibrate them. This gives you a chance to verify whether they all will calibrate, and you can often evaluate whether temperature and flow switch signals are communicating properly.

Do you have spare probes on site? If not, get one. Having a spare probe ready to go represents a minimal cost; it can minimize downtime and problems mid-season.

Pumps: Flush and Standardize

Have all chemical pumps been flushed with water? Chemicals left in feed lines can crystallize, which may potentially cause a multitude of problems.

cooling start-up

Pump warm water through all lines to help dissolve the crystals. If the crystals left behind travel through the feed lines, they may prevent check valves from seating properly.

Evaluate your pumps. Do you need to standardize all your pumps? Have you got a spare pump or at least a rebuild kit for the pumps? One worthwhile strategy is investing in one new pump and the keep the old pump as a back-up.

Chemical Feed Lines: Preventative Replacement Pays Off

Have your feed lines been in use for years? They can become brittle with age and increasingly fragile. When a feed line breaks unexpectedly, you end up with broken tubing potentially spraying chemical in places it’s not supposed to be. It’s far easier to replace chemical lines now. The cost is minimal, the tubing is empty now, it is easy to replace. This can prevent big problems.

Check Blowdown Valves

Blowdown valves can get old and not seat correctly. Solenoids can become fouled with tiny particles, preventing them from operating properly. Do you have a spare or at least spare parts?

Inventory Your Chemicals

Lastly, do you have the start-up chemicals you’ll need when you bring the system on-line? Check your quantities of scale and corrosion inhibitor and biocides. Now is the time to check your supply cabinet and get chemicals and test chemicals on site so you are ready to roll.

Cooling season may not be quite here, but we are all thinking about warm weather. Be ready by getting all your cooling system equipment ready for peak performance when you need it. Prepare now for the season ahead, and you are likely to avoid some headaches.  Don’t forget about your closed loop too!

Your Chemtex water treatment expert can be a valuable resource as you prepare to bring your cooling system back online after a long winter rest. Please reach out to us with any questions, we’re here to help!


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